Pre-designed Templates


Here are some of our current pre-designed templates, that can be used for your listings or homepage on Niteflirt. After you purchased your item please e-mail me at  to complete your order. Every purchase includes the customization of the header image, so it reflects your hostname/image.

If you have no clue about HTML or hosting – Make sure you buy the template with hosting and coding.

Every pre-designed template can be sold 3 times for a discounted rate of $34.99( $48.98Niteflirt) unless you buy it as unique – if you wish to do so, please contact me before you buy.

I also do a custom template on your request – starting at $49.99 contact me!

Availible Pay methods: Credit Card, Alertpay, Paypal, Niteflirt (additional 40% Niteflirt Fee)


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